letters of appreciation

Thank you so much for helping us make Yom Tov. Your check allowed me to buy clothing and shoes for my children. My teenagers, especially, had been very worried about Pesach. They know my husband is out of a job and things aren’t like they used to be, and they find it very hard not to have the things they need. With your help, we had simchas Yom Tov.

Thank you for helping us with our son’s wedding. May you only have to help for simchas!

When my business collapsed, I couldn’t bring myself to ask for help. Somehow, some way, you found out and sent me funds. The money kept my family afloat for a while, and I was able to concentrate on pulling myself together again.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!

We wish to express our heartfelt thanks for your greatly important help with your warmth, devotion, and most of all, your actions, all of which we cannot enumerate, but we will just mention a few.
First: Your great devotion in handling with the administration of the hospital in Virginia. Through all your efforts we were able to save close to thirty thousand dollars.
Second: One enormous loan of $40,000 to cover part of the hospital expenses; the operation, hospital stay, etc.
Third: Your having a telephone line that was constantly available to lend a listening ear, sound advice, help, and to offer a word of encouragement. Your volunteers exerted themselves to make the long trip from New York to the hospital in Virginia to speak with the doctors personally. Their involvement in matters, in Silver Spring, Washington also bore fruit.
Fourth: Last but definitely not least, your help with the payment of the huge loan.
We don't have any way to repay you for all the worthy deeds that you have done for us to help alleviate a great part of our hardships and the aggravation that was our lot. In addition, the great sums with which you endowed us played a major role in the recovery of the patient.
May Hashem, in turn, pay you in full measure by blessing your efforts with much success, and by blessing you with health, wealth, and happiness.
With great appreciation,
First: Your great devotion in handling with the administration of the hospital in Virginia. Through all your efforts we were able to save close to thirty thousand dollars.
Second: One enormous loan of $40,000 to cover part of the hospital expenses; the operation, hospital stay, etc.
Third: Your having a telephone line that was constantly available to lend a listening ear, sound advice, help, and to offer a word of encouragement. Your volunteers exerted themselves to make the long trip from New York to the hospital in Virginia to speak with the doctors personally. Their involvement in matters, in Silver Spring, Washington also bore fruit.
Fourth: Last but definitely not least, your help with the payment of the huge loan.
We don't have any way to repay you for all the worthy deeds that you have done for us to help alleviate a great part of our hardships and the aggravation that was our lot. In addition, the great sums with which you endowed us played a major role in the recovery of the patient.
May Hashem, in turn, pay you in full measure by blessing your efforts with much success, and by blessing you with health, wealth, and happiness.
With great appreciation,

You are the only organization that understands what it means to send a child to camp. Thanks to your help, my son is in camp, where he is shteiging and growing. I shudder to think how detrimental it would have been to keep him home, especially with our difficult family situation, yet there was simply no way we could have sent him. Every time he calls home, I tell myself I’m going to write to thank you. May the zechus bring you every bracha.

Thank you for sending money to our family. We were at a very low point when it arrived, as I had just gotten a turn off notice from the electric company and didn’t have what to send them. I used your check to keep the lights on and make a large grocery order.

Mi ke’amcha Yisroel!
We are overcome with gratitude to you for helping us get through our recent crisis. Thanks to your generous gemach loan and the funds you gave us, we were able to arrange for the best doctors to care for our son after his accident. Baruch Hashem, he is already back in cheder, with nearly no sign of the trauma he endured. We are filled with gratitude to the Ribbono Shel Olam, and to His messengers in Ezras Yisroel.
!שכרך ישלם ה"הקב
We are overcome with gratitude to you for helping us get through our recent crisis. Thanks to your generous gemach loan and the funds you gave us, we were able to arrange for the best doctors to care for our son after his accident. Baruch Hashem, he is already back in cheder, with nearly no sign of the trauma he endured. We are filled with gratitude to the Ribbono Shel Olam, and to His messengers in Ezras Yisroel.
!שכרך ישלם ה"הקב

I never thought I would have to be on the receiving end of matanos l’evyonim, but I can tell you that thanks to the way you give it, I feel none of the indignity I expected.
Tizku l’mitzvos!
Tizku l’mitzvos!

My husband’s petirah was very shocking. After the shivah, I truly didn’t know what to do first. I was overwhelmed and very frightened at the ramifications, including the fact that we had no income whatsoever. I can’t ever thank you enough for stepping in and setting up a fund for my children. I feel like now I can focus on raising them.